Sunrise: 14th November, 1950 – Sunset: 31st May, 2024
WORME – ROBERT CHARLES, Attorney-at-Law, aged 73, late of The Farm, Farm Road, St. Philip.
Husband of Myrtle Margaret Bellamy-Worme. Father of Roberta Ann Bagot, Ann-Marie Waller and Jaren Robert Alexander Worme. Stepfather of Michael Rohan Orlando Bellamy (New York) Grandfather of David George Bagot and Myles Jaden Bellamy. Father-in-Law to George Bagot, Roje Waller and Vanessa Bellamy (USA). Son-in-Law of the late Itha Mary Bellamy. Cousin to many, including Francis David “Joe” Stoute, Sir Michael Stoute (England), Douglas Stoute (Canada), Helen and Geoff Nanton (USA), John Bowen (USA) and the entire Stoute family Stephen and Nigel Worme and other Worme cousins and the late Richard Stoute. Very dear friend to many including Robert Massiah, Yvette Massiah, Ann Stoute, Andrea Stoute, Marina Worme, Richard Fisher, Rosalind Harris,Richard and Priscilla Carter, Michael and Consuelo Richards, Mary Weekes (Canada), Shelly Goddard, Elizabeth Blackman, Janelle Ifill-Quintyne, Marcia Padmore, Kai, Lara, Darek and Kevan Grundt (Canada), Margaret Ann Croney, John Humphrey, John Bernard, Michael Carter, Michael Edwards, Sally Shearn, Rose Parris, John and Jane Bynoe, Heather Waldrop, the Phillips family (Canada), the late Norman Simpson, Grace Simpson, David Harris, Carson Johnson and many, many more. Godfather to David Stoute, Melissa Fisher, Charlotte Hunte and Melanie Pitcher. Colleague and friend to many in the legal fraternity and Company Directors. Former Volunteer with The Living Water Community.
The funeral leaves Bryan’s Funeral Home Belmont Road, St. Michael on Friday 14th June 2024 for St. Philip’s Parish Church where relatives and friends are asked to meet at 3:00 p.m for a service of thanksgiving and interment. In lieu of flowers, donations to The Living Water Community will be greatly appreciated. The family invites you to follow the service via live stream at

How can we say bye when you were so very much a part of our lives? We will cherish all the good times we’ve had over the years. We will remember all the jokes, the laughs and the gatherings and smile. We were blessed to call you our friend and to share our families with each other. You will be missed by so many and that only confirms the fact that you were one of God’s angels on earth.
To my dear friends Berts, Annie, Jay and Margaret . Words seem inadequate to express the sadness I feel about Robert’s death. I am here to support you in your grieving process. May your heart and soul find peace and comfort.
Our deepest condolences go out to the family and close friends at this occasion. We hope at this time you are comforted by his memories and the joy of having known him. Love from the Walkers.
Deepest condolences to Robert’s family. Thinking of you at this difficult time.
RIP R. worme
Your friend
P. Bryan
Please accept our deepest condolences to you over the loss of Robert. We offer you our heartfelt support and friendship in this time.
We found an Attorney and lost a friend. We were privileged to be part of Roberts life, both in business and in pleasure. Whenever we talked about a restaurant we could go anywhere but he preferred Champers. They loved him the way we loved him. May his journey to the next life be peaceful and safe. Our love and thoughts go with Margaret and the family. A very big character that will be missed by us all. God bless and love Pete & Carol
So sorry to hear that Cousin Robert has passed, sending heartfelt sympathy and much love to all the family at this sad time.
Roberta Summerfield (nee Worme)