GITTENS – On June 8th 2019, ANTHONY MCDONALD better know as “SeaCat” of Peterkin Road, Bank Hall, St. Michael. Former employee of Bico Ltd. Husband of Joan Gittens. Father of Anderson Gittens. Brother of Shirley and Ricky Gittens. Uncle of Ryan, Desiree, Adrian, Gabrielle, Cheryl and Matthew. Friend of many. Relatives and friends are asked to meet in the Michael Bryan Memorial Chapel, Bryan’s Funeral Home, Belmont Road, St. Michael, on Friday , 21st June, 2019 at 10:00am for a service of thanksgiving. The cortege will then proceed to the Westbury Cemetery for the interment. Flowers may be sent to BRYAN’S FUNERAL HOME, Belmont Road, St. Michael, not later than 8:00a.m. on Friday.