Better known as Steven, of #17 Greenham Close, Haynesville, St. James. Well known Autobody Repair Man. Son of Ralph Bishop and the late Elaine Worrell. Father of Mona Grimes, Amal and Kasha Worrell. Grandfather of Diamond, Logan and Kai. Brother of Dennis, Hazel and Alvin Worrell and 3 others. Uncle of Charice and Rajiv Worrell and others. Cousin of Surline Phillips, and many others. Close friend of Calvin Catwell, Patrick Phillips, Ryan Gale and many others. Relative of the Bishops, Wards, Moores and Braithwaites families and many more.
The funeral leaves Bryan’s Funeral Home, Belmont Road, St. Michael, for a graveside service at the St. James Cemetery on Tuesday, 11th July, 2023 where relatives and friends are asked to meet at 2:00p.m. Flowers may be sent to Bryan’s Funeral Home, Belmont Road, St. Michael not later than 12:00p.m. on Tuesday. Viewing of the late Anthony Worrell will take place in the Michael Bryan Memorial Chapel, Bryan’s Funeral Home, Belmont Road, St. Michael, on Monday 10th July 2023 from 4-6pm. No mourning colours by special request.