GREENIDGE – On 29th December 2018. ANTHONY aged 58 years, “Toola” of Campaign Land, Martindales Road, St. Michael. Former employee of C.G.I Insurance Ltd. Father of Kerry –Ann Jordan and Ronaldo Callender. Grandfather of 7. Relative of the Wiltshire and Greenidge families. Friend of Peter Harris, Kelly and Kathie of C.G.I Insurance Ltd. and many more. The funeral leaves BRYAN’S FUNERAL HOME Belmont Road, St. Michael on Wednesday, 9th January, 2019 for The New Testament Church of God, River Road, St. Michael, where relatives and friends are asked to meet at 2.00p.m. for a service of thanksgiving. The cortege will then proceed to the Westbury Cemetery for the interment. Flowers may be sent to Bryan’s Funeral Home, Belmont Road, St. Michael not later than 12.00p.m on Wednesday.

My sincere condolences to the funeral. Losing a loved one is never easy. I hope you may be comforted by the fact that God is eager to bring back to life those who have died (Job 14:14,15).