BEST – On 8th March 2018. SEWRANIE “Lily” of Industry Road, Bank Hall, St. Michael. Mother of Joycelyn-Ann, Jeniffer, Rudolph, Randolph, Juliet and Nadia. Grandmother of 13. Great grandmother of 3. Mother-in-law of Indra, Sharda and Matthew. Sister of 8. The funeral leaves BRYAN’S FUNERAL HOME Belmont Road, St. Michael on Friday, 16th March, 2018 for Abundant Life Assembly Bank Hall, St. Michael where relatives and friends are asked to meet at 9.30a.m. for a service of thanksgiving. The cortege will then proceed to the Westbury Cemetery for the interment. Visitation of the late SEWRANIE “Lily’ BEST will take place in the Michael Bryan Memorial Chapel Bryan’s Funeral Home Belmont Road, St. Michael on Thursday,15th March, 2018 from 4-6pm. Flowers may be sent to BRYAN’S FUNERAL HOME Belmont Road, St. Michael not later than 8.00a.m. on Friday.

Please accept my sincere condolences. May the God of all comfort remind you of his grand promise to bring back to life those who have fallen asleep in death (Isaiah 26:19).