GITTENS – On 23rd April, 2021. STEPHANIE VERONICA of #25 Field Place, Bayville, St. Michael. General Worker of N.C.C. Daughter of Leila Gittens and the late Oscar Rice. Mother of Keisha, Kayann and the late Shane Gittens. Sister of Sylvan, Victor, Hilton, Wayne, Margo, Celeste, Juel, Cheryl and Anderson. Grandmother of Sharina, Omario, Keion and Emmanuel. Aunt, cousin and friend of many. Relative of the Gittens and Clarke families. The funeral leaves BRYAN’S FUNERAL HOME, Belmont Road, St. Michael on Wednesday, 19th May, 2021 for Coral Ridge Memorial Gardens, The Ridge, Christ Church, where relatives and friends are asked to meet at 2:00p.m. for a graveside service and interment. Visitation of the late STEPHANIE VERONICA GITTENS takes place in the Michael Bryan Memorial Chapel, Bryan’s Funeral Home, Belmont Road, St. Michael, from 3-5pm on Tuesday, 18th May, 2021. Flowers may be sent to BRYAN’S FUNERAL HOME Belmont Road, St. Michael, not later than 12:00p.m. on Wednesday. Government health protocols of social distancing and the wearing of masks will be in effect.